
Physical address:
​6296 Donnelly Plaza
Ratkeville, ​Bahamas.

Your Ultimate Resource For Standing Desks

We help you find ways to improve your health, productivity and comfort while working from home or in the office.

“Join us on our journey to transform your workspace and enhance your overall work experience. Explore our extensive collection of articles and discover practical solutions to improve your health, boost your productivity, and find comfort while working from home or in the office. Let Deskcamping guide you towards a happier, healthier, and more productive work life.”

Angela Huff

Editor in Chief

Our Mission

DeskCamping was born out of the experiences of web developers and digital marketers who found themselves navigating the challenges of remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our primary objective is to empower individuals to enhance their well-being, productivity, and overall comfort in home and office workspaces.

Our Core Values

At DeskCamping, we hold ourselves to the highest standards of ethical journalism. Our commitment is to deliver authentic and unbiased information to our readers while being fair to brands and sources.

Our team at DeskCamping not only writes about creating better workspaces, but we also live it. We actively engage in exploring ways to improve productivity, health, and comfort, and we continuously strive to stay on the cutting edge of our field. We believe in real-world testing and honest results.

To ensure the utmost integrity in our product journalism, our editorial department operates independently from our business team. We review products without bias, and any sponsored content is transparently labeled as such. We never accept money in exchange for positive reviews. All of our reviews and buying guides are unpaid

Editorial Policy

Our storytelling is guided by principles of accuracy, honesty, timeliness, and fairness. We aim to present a comprehensive view of all aspects, whether it’s a product review, government policy, or a story about individuals in the workspace.

Our editors are dedicated to being accurate and impartial, acknowledging that errors can occur. In the event of any mistake, we will promptly and transparently correct it.

DeskCamp’s reporters never misrepresent themselves or their intentions during interviews. We don’t pay sources under any circumstances, and we do not accept payment for reviews or for featuring products in our buying guides.

As our team often relies on products, we may receive demonstration items from brands for testing. Depending on the product and testing requirements, we may return, donate, or maintain possession of these products for long-term tests. However, we do not sell or raffle off products received for personal gain.

Product Reviews

To provide comprehensive reviews, we rigorously test products in their intended use. Our experienced writers and editors, who are passionate about creating better workspaces, subject products to rigorous real-world testing.

We not only rely on specifications but also delve into the technology behind products by attending industry events and collaborating with brands. Our team takes this knowledge into the field, testing products in various real-world scenarios to provide you with the best insights, just like we would for our closest friends.

Sponsored Content and Advertising Policy

To support our mission, DeskCamping relies on advertising from partner brands. You may encounter sponsored articles, videos, and images on our site, all clearly marked as sponsored content. While we appreciate the stories sponsored content allows us to tell, we maintain a strict separation between sponsored content and editorial coverage. Sponsorships do not influence our editorial coverage, and we never allow sponsorship of reviews. Our commitment is to provide an honest evaluation of products, highlighting both their strengths and weaknesses.


Do you have a story to share or a product to pitch to our team at DeskCamping? We welcome contributions from freelance writers and product developers. Please send us a concise pitch with a clear explanation of your idea to [email protected].